Ruthin Castle Conservation

About This Project

Job: Ruthin Castle Conservation
Client: Cadw – in partnership with the Town Council and Ruthin Castle Conservation Trust
Dates: February to June 2017

The earliest documentation of Ruthin Castle dates back to 1277, with many extensions and improvements made throughout the centuries. This iconic Castle was converted into a hotel in the early 1960’s, with a Conservation Trust being formed in 2016 whose aim is to conserve this eminent historic structure.

iBEX began works in February 2017, working closely with our clients to begin these detailed conservation works. Communication and meticulous attention to detail was essential to ensure the smooth running of these significant works.

Over the 5 months on site, iBEX have:

  • Removed extensive invasive vegetation, to facilitate full structural survey to north curtain wall, round to south west curtain wall
  • Removal of loose stonework
  • Temporary lime mortar repairs and re-bedding of loose stonework
  • Following the structural survey, construction of a number of temporary holding measures as emergency repairs, timber shoring and propping